Megan Leigh Photography: Blog en-us Studio: 27574 Commerce Center Drive, Suite 233, Temecula CA 92590 | (C) Megan Leigh Photography [email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:13:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:13:00 GMT Megan Leigh Photography: Blog 120 90 Olson Family Session

[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) Tue, 07 Nov 2017 18:50:32 GMT
Radwick Family Session

[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) Tue, 07 Nov 2017 18:35:02 GMT
Machett Family Session

[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) Tue, 07 Nov 2017 18:31:51 GMT
Layla's 1 Year Milestone

[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) Tue, 07 Nov 2017 18:31:33 GMT
Sparkles' Kitten Photo Shoot | Fallbrook Photographer This week we added a new member to our family, 5 week old Calico kitten, Sparkles (a typical name when you have your 5 year old daughter name the kitten, lol)! We found her online from a lady who fosters kittens. Sparkles' story was a unique one! A lady had left her house and a poor kitten fell off of the roof! The lady went up and a mama cat had just given birth to a litter of 5 kittens up there but was nowhere to be found. Night was coming and was getting cold so they brought the kittens down afraid they wouldn't make it thru a cold night. Umbilical cords were still attached to the 1 day old kittens. The kitten that fell sadly didn't make it and another kitten from the litter passed the next day. So there were 3, 2 girls and 1 boy. They were given to a woman who has fostered kittens before. She started bottle feeding them from day 2 and nursed them to health as they grew. We were so fortunate to find Sparkles as she was the last one to be adopted. Her brother and sister had found homes the day before. 

She is such a sweet, loving kitten who LOVES to fall asleep in your arms or on your chest. She's getting more and more playful every day and just learning to jump (only about 6" high right now). She's adjusted so well here and Scarlett is absolutely in love with her baby! She refers to herself as "mommy" when talking to Sparkles, hehe! 

Naturally, as a newborn photographer, I wanted to bring her into the studio for her "newborn" session. I had so many ideas but Sparkles was a pretty TOUGH baby client. She did not want to stand or be next to the flowers, did NOT want to look at me or the camera at all (except once) and took a very long time to get her to sleep, haha! So a lot of my ideas went out the window and she is SO tiny that baskets and wraps pretty much engulfed her. But after quite a bit of time, we did manage to get a couple of set-ups. And I LOVE the ones with her and her "mommy", Scarlett. So here is our sweet Sparkles...


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby pet fallbrook photographer kitten photo shoot megan leigh photography new kitten temecula photographer Sun, 04 Jun 2017 01:05:44 GMT
The Olson Family | Fallbrook Family Photographer What fun we had during this shoot with this beautiful family! They looked amazing and could've have picked a better place! So much to use here and we explored it all. The kids loved being goofy and so did mom and dad! 


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) Mon, 10 Apr 2017 21:15:23 GMT
Surprise Proposal | Family Temecula Photographer A beautiful family session that ended in a surprise proposal! Even I didn't know! It was an exciting and amazing moment for everyone to watch <3


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography child photographer child photography family photographer megan leigh photography newborn photographer temecula baby photographer temecula photographer Wed, 21 Sep 2016 20:58:19 GMT
Scarlett and Levi | Child Session Since my baby boy arrived, I've been looking forward to taking my 2 kids out for their first outdoor session! Having Scarlett hold her little brother, love on him, and creating memories. She's so in love with him and a huge help to her mama! We found a perfect spot just a mile away from our home and they both did great! Love my babies so much!!



[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) Wed, 31 Aug 2016 19:07:08 GMT
Allison Turns 1 | Fallbrook Family Photographer Another baby I got to watch grow! From inside her mama's belly all the way to her 1 year cake smash! I was so to hear they were moving away! I certainly miss that little face!! 


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) Fri, 05 Feb 2016 19:41:30 GMT
Winnie Turns 1 | Fallbrook Child Photographer From photographing her newborn session to her 1 year session and many in between, it's being amazing watching this little girl grow! She's such a doll and makes everyone around her smile! We originally wanted this at another location but found out we couldn't take pictures there so improvised with a walk down the block to Swami's beach. This was my first time there, it was low tide and gorgeous!!


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) Thu, 04 Feb 2016 23:13:19 GMT
Trina's Maternity | Fallbrook Maternity Photographer This beautiful woman was so stunning! She was expecting her second baby girl who I got to photograph after she arrived :) She most definitely had the pregnancy glow...


We had this session at the dog beach in Del Mar. So perfect around sunset! A few of my favorites...


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) Thu, 04 Feb 2016 20:12:20 GMT
Cari's Maternity | Fallbrook Maternity Photographer I was thrilled to get the email from Cari telling me she's expecting baby #3! I have the privilege of photographing her second baby girl and now they were expecting a boy! This means I got to capture her beautiful baby bump too! They drove all the way down to me to have their session at the Oceanside Pier beach. It was cloudy and perfect!! Some of my favorites...


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) Thu, 04 Feb 2016 19:33:11 GMT
Scarlett at the River | Fallbrook Child Photographer 4 years ago I was blessed by the most amazing and important thing in my life! She is my everything and I'm growing more and more proud of the little girl she is growing into. She's sweet but sassy, loving but independent, and has just about the biggest imagination I've ever seen! Just this past August my baby girl turned 4! It had been a while since I've taken her out to a location for pictures so we were way overdue! PLUS I had a new location to explore. One of the best things about having a kid as a photographer is that you always have a model! So we set out to this beautiful preserve in Fallbrook one evening and the river was amazing! She was so timid at first but then I couldn't get her out! It's all so shallow in this area that you just walk all over. There were seashells in the sand under the river so Scarlett made it her mission to find as many as she could. Even the paths around the river were covered in sand. What an amazing place!


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography child photographer child photography fallbrook child photographer fallbrook family photographer fallbrook photographer family photographer megan leigh photography temecula baby photographer temecula photographer Sat, 19 Sep 2015 15:21:23 GMT
The Callahan Family | Fallbrook Family Photographer Just the sweetest family! And I was so thrilled that this little guy brought along his "lovie"! We had so much fun having "lovie" play peak-a-boo and other games! We ran all over the place and was just all around fun!! :)




[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography child photographer child photography fallbrook child photographer fallbrook family photographer family photographer megan leigh photography san diego family photographer temecula baby photographer temecula photographer Tue, 08 Sep 2015 04:22:03 GMT
Olivia's 1 Year | Child Photographer Sweet little Olivia has turned ONE! I haven't seen her since her newborn sessions :) Loved all her expressions and huge smile!! What a sweetheart! <3


Child photographer Los Jilgueros Preserve in Fallbrook, CAChild PhotographerChild Photographer Child photographer Los Jilgueros Preserve in Fallbrook, CAChild PhotographerChild Photographer Child photographer Los Jilgueros Preserve in Fallbrook, CAChild PhotographerChild Photographer Child photographer Los Jilgueros Preserve in Fallbrook, CAChild PhotographerChild Photographer Child photographer Los Jilgueros Preserve in Fallbrook, CAChild PhotographerChild Photographer Child photographer Los Jilgueros Preserve in Fallbrook, CAChild PhotographerChild Photographer Child photographer Los Jilgueros Preserve in Fallbrook, CAChild PhotographerChild Photographer Child photographer Los Jilgueros Preserve in Fallbrook, CAChild PhotographerChild Photographer Child photographer Los Jilgueros Preserve in Fallbrook, CAChild PhotographerChild Photographer Child photographer Los Jilgueros Preserve in Fallbrook, CAChild PhotographerChild Photographer Child photographer Los Jilgueros Preserve in Fallbrook, CAChild PhotographerChild Photographer Child photographer Los Jilgueros Preserve in Fallbrook, CAChild PhotographerChild Photographer Child photographer Los Jilgueros Preserve in Fallbrook, CAChild PhotographerChild Photographer Child photographer Los Jilgueros Preserve in Fallbrook, CAChild PhotographerChild Photographer Child photographer Los Jilgueros Preserve in Fallbrook, CAChild PhotographerChild Photographer Child photographer Los Jilgueros Preserve in Fallbrook, CAChild PhotographerChild Photographer Child photographer Los Jilgueros Preserve in Fallbrook, CAChild PhotographerChild Photographer Child photographer Los Jilgueros Preserve in Fallbrook, CAChild PhotographerChild Photographer Child photographer Los Jilgueros Preserve in Fallbrook, CAChild PhotographerChild Photographer Child photographer Los Jilgueros Preserve in Fallbrook, CAChild PhotographerChild Photographer

[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) 1st year portraits baby milestone baby photographer baby photography child photographer fallbrook photographer megan leigh photography san diego baby photographer san diego child photographer san diego photographer temecula baby photographer Fri, 26 Jun 2015 20:09:35 GMT
The Napier Family | Family Photographer We visited this beautiful large estate and didn't disappoint. Even early afternoon when lighting is not ideal, this place was magically! And couldn't ask for a more beautiful family to photograph there! Carly and Matthew were married here and wanted some family pictures with there baby boy to relive some of those amazing memories! 


family photographer at the Grand Tradition in Fallbrook, CAFamily and child photographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer at the Grand Tradition in Fallbrook, CAFamily and child photographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer at the Grand Tradition in Fallbrook, CAFamily and child photographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer at the Grand Tradition in Fallbrook, CAFamily and child photographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer at the Grand Tradition in Fallbrook, CAFamily and child photographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer at the Grand Tradition in Fallbrook, CAFamily and child photographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer at the Grand Tradition in Fallbrook, CAFamily and child photographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer at the Grand Tradition in Fallbrook, CAFamily and child photographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer at the Grand Tradition in Fallbrook, CAFamily and child photographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer at the Grand Tradition in Fallbrook, CAFamily and child photographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer at the Grand Tradition in Fallbrook, CAFamily and child photographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer at the Grand Tradition in Fallbrook, CAFamily and child photographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer at the Grand Tradition in Fallbrook, CAFamily and child photographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer at the Grand Tradition in Fallbrook, CAFamily and child photographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer at the Grand Tradition in Fallbrook, CAFamily and child photographerFamily & Child Photographer

[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography child photographer family photographer megan leigh photography san diego child photographer san diego family photographer temecula baby photographer Fri, 26 Jun 2015 19:47:18 GMT
Baby Myles | Newborn Photographer Introducing a very very happy little guy, baby Myles! He had a full session at the studio and gave me smile after smile towards the end! Melt my heart!!! <3 Just a few of my favs from his session :)


newborn photographer in san diego countyNewborn PhotographerNewborn Photographer newborn photographer in san diego countyNewborn PhotographerNewborn Photographer newborn photographer in san diego countyNewborn PhotographerNewborn Photographer newborn photographer in san diego countyNewborn PhotographerNewborn Photographer newborn photographer in san diego countyNewborn PhotographerNewborn Photographer newborn photographer in san diego countyNewborn PhotographerNewborn Photographer newborn photographer in san diego countyNewborn PhotographerNewborn Photographer newborn photographer in san diego countyNewborn PhotographerNewborn Photographer newborn photographer in san diego countyNewborn PhotographerNewborn Photographer newborn photographer in san diego countyNewborn PhotographerNewborn Photographer

[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography baby portraits fallbrook newborn photographer infant photographer megan leigh photography newborn photographer newborn portraits san diego newborn photographer Fri, 26 Jun 2015 19:35:31 GMT
Olivia's Mini 12 Months Old | Baby Photographer I meet this baby girl last Christmas during her family's Christmas photo session and now she's ONE!! What a gorgeous little girl!! These were done at the monthly baby mini sessions! They are so perfect for capturing all the milestones! Click HERE for more details on baby minis and reserve a spot!


baby photographer in studioBaby PhotographerBaby Mini Session baby photographer in studioBaby PhotographerBaby Mini Session baby photographer in studioBaby PhotographerBaby Mini Session baby photographer in studioBaby PhotographerBaby Mini Session baby photographer in studioBaby PhotographerBaby Mini Session baby photographer in studioBaby PhotographerBaby Mini Session baby photographer in studioBaby PhotographerBaby Mini Session baby photographer in studioBaby PhotographerBaby Mini Session baby photographer in studioBaby PhotographerBaby Mini Session

[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) 1st year pictures baby milestones baby photographer baby photography baby portraits child photographer child photography fallbrook baby photographer megan leigh photography milestone sessions san diego baby photographer san diego child photographer temecula baby photographer temecula photographer Fri, 26 Jun 2015 19:28:55 GMT
The Tansley Family | Family Photographer Liam turned 2!!! Look at that big smile! I was thrilled to meet this wonderful family! We had a great time at this beautiful privately owned property that the owners have opened up to us! :) And of course we had to end it with a little soccer game since Liam is following in his daddy's footsteps :)


family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer family photographer murrieta wine fieldFamily and Child PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer

[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) child photographer family photographer family photography family portraits murrieta child photographer murrieta family photographer murrieta photographer temecula baby photographer temecula family photographer temecula photographer Fri, 26 Jun 2015 19:12:30 GMT
The Munoz Family | Family Photographer What a beautiful family! This brother and sister are twins!! And have such a bond :) 


Family photographer at Glen Arbor Park in Murrieta CAFamily PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer Family photographer at Glen Arbor Park in Murrieta CAFamily PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer Family photographer at Glen Arbor Park in Murrieta CAFamily PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer Family photographer at Glen Arbor Park in Murrieta CAFamily PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer Family photographer at Glen Arbor Park in Murrieta CAFamily PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer Family photographer at Glen Arbor Park in Murrieta CAFamily PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer Family photographer at Glen Arbor Park in Murrieta CAFamily PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer Family photographer at Glen Arbor Park in Murrieta CAFamily PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer Family photographer at Glen Arbor Park in Murrieta CAFamily PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer Family photographer at Glen Arbor Park in Murrieta CAFamily PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer Family photographer at Glen Arbor Park in Murrieta CAFamily PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer Family photographer at Glen Arbor Park in Murrieta CAFamily PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer Family photographer at Glen Arbor Park in Murrieta CAFamily PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer Family photographer at Glen Arbor Park in Murrieta CAFamily PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer Family photographer at Glen Arbor Park in Murrieta CAFamily PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer Family photographer at Glen Arbor Park in Murrieta CAFamily PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer Family photographer at Glen Arbor Park in Murrieta CAFamily PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer Family photographer at Glen Arbor Park in Murrieta CAFamily PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer Family photographer at Glen Arbor Park in Murrieta CAFamily PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer Family photographer at Glen Arbor Park in Murrieta CAFamily PhotographerFamily & Child Photographer

[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) child photographer family photographer glen arbor murrieta murrieta photographer professional family photographer san diego child photographer san diego family photographer temecula family photographer Fri, 26 Jun 2015 18:56:53 GMT
Cunningham Kids | Child Photographer I had such a great time with these kiddos! This little girl was loving the camera (as you can tell)! :) 

child photographer Discovery Lake San MarcosChild PhotographerChild Photographer child photographer Discovery Lake San MarcosChild PhotographerChild Photographer child photographer Discovery Lake San MarcosChild PhotographerChild Photographer child photographer Discovery Lake San MarcosChild PhotographerChild Photographer child photographer Discovery Lake San MarcosChild PhotographerChild Photographer child photographer Discovery Lake San MarcosChild PhotographerChild Photographer child photographer Discovery Lake San MarcosChild PhotographerChild Photographer child photographer Discovery Lake San MarcosChild PhotographerChild Photographer child photographer Discovery Lake San MarcosChild PhotographerChild Photographer

[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photography child photographer child photography discovery lake san marcos san diego child photographer san marcos california temecula baby photographer Fri, 26 Jun 2015 18:39:45 GMT
Baby Maddox | Newborn Photographer Introducing baby Maddox, 4 weeks old! Even though he was a little older than I usually photography for these sessions, he was perfect!! Such an angel during his whole session! Loved getting all my baby fixings with this little guy! That FACE... future heartbreaker ladies! :) Here are a few of my favs...


Newborn Photographer Newborn Photographer Newborn Photographer Newborn Photographer Newborn Photographer Newborn Photographer Newborn Photographer Newborn Photographer Newborn Photographer

[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography child photographer child photography fallbrook baby photographer fallbrook newborn photographer fallbrook photographer megan leigh photography san diego baby photographer san diego newborn photographer temecula baby photographer Fri, 26 Jun 2015 17:57:05 GMT
Twins Austin & Brady | Newborn Photographer I was so excited to shoot my first set of twins! These boys were great! And a huge thank you to my friend Kim over at Kimberly Justus Photography for coming to the studio for a second set of hands! <3 Their daddy is very into soccer so mama brought a soccer ball to incorporate! And their big sister was absolutely precious!! 


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography baby pictures fallbrook baby photographer fallbrook newborn photographer fallbrook newborn photography fallbrook photographer hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography infant photographer infant photography infant pictures megan leigh photography newborn photographer newborn photography newborn pictures newborn portraits temecula baby photographer temecula newborn photographer temecula newborn photography twins fallbrook photographer twins newborn photographer Thu, 16 Apr 2015 05:36:50 GMT
Baby Lorelei | Newborn Photographer Miss Lorelei, 11 days old, is beyond stunning! I mean, check out that smile! Beautiful and perfect she is! :) And she did great as I weave my way into basket prop shots. Couldn't have asked for a better little model! 


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography baby pictures fallbrook baby photographer fallbrook newborn photographer fallbrook newborn photography fallbrook photographer hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography infant photographer infant photography infant pictures megan leigh photography newborn photographer newborn photography newborn pictures newborn portraits temecula baby photographer temecula newborn photographer temecula newborn photography Thu, 16 Apr 2015 05:18:31 GMT
Baby Adam | Newborn Photographer Meet the handsome little Adam, 5 days old! An absolute perfect little client and was so sweet and squishy <3 Mom even brought in the cutest little cowboy outfit for him! Just a few of my favorites....


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography baby pictures fallbrook baby photographer fallbrook newborn photographer fallbrook newborn photography fallbrook photographer hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography infant photographer infant photography infant pictures megan leigh photography newborn photographer newborn photography newborn pictures newborn portraits temecula baby photographer temecula newborn photographer temecula newborn photography Thu, 16 Apr 2015 05:09:04 GMT
Baby Hannah | Newborn Photographer Introducing the stunning 10-day old Miss Hannah! After her mommy's maternity session, I couldn't wait to meet this baby girl! And she was so perfect for her session! I couldn't get enough! And the images with her mommy, daddy, and big sister completely melt my heart <3 This is why I do what I do and love every second of it! <3


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography baby pictures fallbrook baby photographer fallbrook newborn photographer fallbrook newborn photography fallbrook photographer hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography infant photographer infant photography infant pictures megan leigh photography newborn photographer newborn photography newborn pictures newborn portraits temecula baby photographer temecula newborn photographer temecula newborn photography Thu, 12 Feb 2015 04:26:40 GMT
The Alguire Family | Family Photographer What a beautiful gift this was for their mom to get for Christmas this year! Her 3 kids and her grand baby! <3 And she was such a sweetheart and I had the best time chasing her all over this park! And she lovesssss her uncles! At the end she was totally done, but even the pouts are adorable! 


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography child photographer child photography fallbrook child photographer fallbrook family photographer fallbrook family pictures fallbrook family portraits fallbrook photographer fallbrook photography family photographer family photography family pictures glen arbor park glen arbor park in murrieta hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet child photographer hemet child photography hemet family photographer hemet family photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography murrieta photo session murrieta photographer nutmeg park santa rosa plateau temecula baby photographer temecula baby photography temecula child photographer temecula child photography temecula family photographer temecula family photography temecula photographer temecula photography Thu, 08 Jan 2015 22:57:47 GMT
The Blalock Family | Family Photographer The Blalock family has become so special to me and I LOVE seeing these kids grow over the course of each year! They are all so full of energy and I love how mom always lights up when she sees her images of her boys! Here are just some from their most recent family session at a beautiful Temecula winery that we did!


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography child photographer child photography fallbrook child photographer fallbrook family photographer fallbrook family pictures fallbrook family portraits fallbrook photographer fallbrook photography family photographer family photography family pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet child photographer hemet child photography hemet family photographer hemet family photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography murrieta photo session santa rosa plateau temecula baby photographer temecula baby photography temecula child photographer temecula child photography temecula family photographer temecula family photography temecula photographer temecula photography temecula winery winery portraits Tue, 06 Jan 2015 22:13:15 GMT
The Johnson Family | Family Photographer What a great and fun session this was! This little guy could lit up any room! He was so energetic and had such an incredible and funny personality. He had us all laughing the whole time! I LOVE every image from this session and there were LOTS! Here are some of my favorites (and there are LOTS of those too, haha)! I'm growing to love this location in Murrieta every time I shoot here too. 


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography child photographer child photography fallbrook child photographer fallbrook family photographer fallbrook family pictures fallbrook family portraits fallbrook photographer fallbrook photography family photographer family photography family pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet child photographer hemet child photography hemet family photographer hemet family photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography murrieta photo session santa rosa plateau temecula baby photographer temecula baby photography temecula child photographer temecula child photography temecula family photographer temecula family photography temecula photographer temeula photography Tue, 06 Jan 2015 01:43:20 GMT
California Snow Day | Hemet Child Photographer It's New Year's Eve and what a better present and surprise then some SNOW in SoCal!! We didn't get any in Hemet (just lots of rain and cold) but everywhere around us did! So late morning Scarlett and I decided to head out to hunt down the snow. Just 20 mins away (in Murrieta) there was TONS! It was her very first time seeing, touching, and playing with snow. I grew up with it as a kid on the east coast so it's something that I definitely wanted her to experience and enjoy! We made snow angels, built a little snowman, and lots of snowball fights! Hoping we'll get some more tonight so daddy can come out with us tomorrow!! Of course, I had to bring my big girl camera along to capture it! :)


Getting ready for a snowball fight with mama!


Aiming for the camera... of course! Haha!


Looks like she's ready for some snow kung-fu!


Attempt at her first snow angel! <3


Do you want to build a snowman?...


Makes my heart so so happy <3 <3


There he is! Little Olaf!!


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography california snow child photographer child photography child playing in snow family photographer family photography family pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet child photographer hemet child photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography snow day temecula baby photographer temecula baby photography temecula child photographer temecula child photography temecula photographer temecula photography Wed, 31 Dec 2014 22:55:38 GMT
The Hoffmann Family | Hemet & Fallbrook Family Photographer Meet the Hoffmann family! We had a great time at the park and this little guy was ALL over the place! He loved checking out the ducks and walking with the pups :) And the expressions of his baby brother were priceless! The deep stares, the look of confusion, and the big smiles :) SO adorable!! Here are some of my favs!


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography child photographer child photography fallbrook child photographer fallbrook family photographer fallbrook family pictures fallbrook family portraits fallbrook photographer fallbrook photography family photographer family photography family pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet child photographer hemet child photography hemet family photographer hemet family photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography temecula baby photographer temecula baby photography temecula child photographer temecula child photography temecula family photographer temecula family photography temecula photographer temeula photography Wed, 26 Nov 2014 17:44:18 GMT
The Caldwell Family | Hemet & Fallbrook Family Photographer I was so excited to photograph this family again this year!! The kids grow so FAST! We had so much fun and everybody was so full of smiles :) And we had the most amazing light!!! Here are some of my favs!


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography child photographer child photography fallbrook child photographer fallbrook family photographer fallbrook family pictures fallbrook family portraits fallbrook photographer fallbrook photography family photographer family photography family pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet child photographer hemet child photography hemet family photographer hemet family photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography temecula baby photographer temecula baby photography temecula child photographer temecula child photography temecula family photographer temecula family photography temecula photographer temeula photography Mon, 24 Nov 2014 21:29:26 GMT
The Hatch Family | Hemet & Fallbrook Family Photographer We had a beautiful extended family session up in Idyllwild this October! The little guy wasn't really in the "picture taking" mood but we got some smiles from him, haha! What a beautiful park!


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography child photographer child photography fallbrook child photographer fallbrook family photographer fallbrook family pictures fallbrook family portraits fallbrook photographer fallbrook photography family photographer family photography family pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet child photographer hemet child photography hemet family photographer hemet family photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography temecula baby photographer temecula baby photography temecula child photographer temecula child photography temecula family photographer temecula family photography temecula photographer temeula photography Fri, 21 Nov 2014 00:01:53 GMT
The Cheng Family | Hemet & Fallbrook Family Photographer I had such a fun filled session this evening in October with the Cheng family! This little girl could light up an entire room with her smile and energy!! LOVED it!! We took sooooo many but here are some of my favs :)


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography child photographer child photography fallbrook child photographer fallbrook family photographer fallbrook family pictures fallbrook family portraits fallbrook photographer fallbrook photography family photographer family photography family pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet child photographer hemet child photography hemet family photographer hemet family photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography temecula baby photographer temecula baby photography temecula child photographer temecula child photography temecula family photographer temecula family photography temecula photographer temeula photography Wed, 19 Nov 2014 00:47:06 GMT
Baby Hadley | Hemet Newborn Photographer Introducing little Miss Hadley! Love her name! And she was so sweet and squishy, I could've snuggled her all day. Just a few of my favs....




[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography baby pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography infant photographer infant photography infant pictures megan leigh photography newborn photographer newborn photography newborn pictures newborn portraits temecula baby photographer temecula newborn photographer temecula newborn photography Tue, 04 Nov 2014 17:38:15 GMT
The Chupp Family | Hemet Family Photographer I was so thrilled to get do shoot another family session of some of my absolute favorite people ever! My very best friend and her beautiful family was ready for an updated family session. Baby Jack, as my daughter calls him, is not a baby anymore! This boy was all over the place, haha! Here are a few of my favs:


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography child photographer child photography family photographer family photography family pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet child photographer hemet child photography hemet family photographer hemet family photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography temecula baby photographer temecula baby photography temecula child photographer temecula child photography temecula family photographer temecula family photography temecula photographer temeula photography Tue, 30 Sep 2014 17:31:56 GMT
Baby Vera | Hemet Newborn Photographer Meet the beautiful little Vera. She came to the new studio out in Fallbrook for her session and this ended up being one of the quickest newborn sessions ever! She was perfect the entire time! What a little angel! :) Here are some of my favs from her session...


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography baby pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography infant photographer infant photography infant pictures megan leigh photography newborn photographer newborn photography newborn pictures newborn portraits temecula baby photographer temecula newborn photographer temecula newborn photography Mon, 22 Sep 2014 18:24:41 GMT
A Cloudy Windy Day | Hemet Child Photographer One day last week we actually had a cloudy, windy (still warm) day and I was craving a photo shoot. So.... of course a photographer mama grabs her kid and heads out the door, haha! We drive just a little bit up the road and found a bunch of green bush-like plants (which turns out to be pretty prickly!). Scarlett was in pants and boots but myself living in flip flops, I suffered a bit walking through these thorny plants. It turned out being a little windier than anticipated and the wind was mostly in her face, but loved how they turned out anyways! <3 She wanted to bring along my newest newborn prop- baby bunny, who she has pretty much claimed as her own and let's me "borrow" it when I need to, haha!


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography child photographer child photography family photographer family photography family pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet child photographer hemet child photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography temecula baby photographer temecula baby photography temecula child photographer temecula child photography temecula photographer temecula photography Wed, 17 Sep 2014 05:19:35 GMT
The Lykes | Hemet Family Photographer We all go up nice and early to catch this beautiful little session with the Lykes family. Unfortunately their dad had to work last minute but we got some great shots of the kids and them with their mama! Here are a few of my favorites... :)

[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography child photographer child photography family photographer family photography family pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet child photographer hemet child photography hemet family photographer hemet family photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography temecula baby photographer temecula baby photography temecula child photographer temecula child photography temecula family photographer temecula family photography temecula photographer temeula photography Tue, 16 Sep 2014 22:36:51 GMT
Baby Ryan Outdoor Session | Hemet Newborn Photographer After Ryan indoor newborn session, we decided to head out and try some shots at a beautiful lake with mom and dad. We ran out of time for some bucket shots, but we did get some beautiful family ones <3


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography baby pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography infant photographer infant photography infant pictures megan leigh photography newborn photographer newborn photography newborn pictures newborn portraits temecula baby photographer temecula newborn photographer temecula newborn photography Sat, 13 Sep 2014 04:19:30 GMT
Baby Ryan | Hemet Newborn Photographer I'm so excited to introduce Baby Ryan! I was so happy to be able to do this session for my friends Mireya and Justin who are so incredible and were blessed with this amazing beautiful baby girl! From watching her grown in mama's belly to meeting her in the hospital for her fresh 48 to getting to snuggle her during the newborn session, I am so in awe of this baby (and causing major baby fever, lol). She couldn't have been better for her session here (dad might disagree after being pooped and peed on, hehe). But she only liked it on her belly and side, haha. Every time I would put her on her back she woke up right away and NOT happy! But it still worked out great and love all of them! So here it is... <3



[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography baby pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography infant photographer infant photography infant pictures megan leigh photography newborn photographer newborn photography newborn pictures newborn portraits temecula baby photographer temecula newborn photographer temecula newborn photography Fri, 12 Sep 2014 22:23:06 GMT
Hanna's Maternity | Hemet Maternity Photographer Beautiful session with the gorgeous mama-to-be and her hubby! Love this beautiful park! Here are some of my favs... :)

[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby belly hemet maternity photographer hemet maternity photography hemet photographer hemet photography maternity photographer maternity photography megan leigh photography pregnancy photographer pregnancy photography pregnancy portraits temecula maternity photographer temecula maternity photography Tue, 09 Sep 2014 23:47:21 GMT
Sunset Mini- Katherine | Hemet Child Photographer This sunset mini session was so much fun! I LOVE working with these young kids! Miss Katherine is 20 months old and she LOVED it (even the dirt, haha). Katherine was just officially adopted by her amazing foster parents. She such a doll and of course I couldn't stop snapping my camera. If I remember correctly, I believe we even finished this session in under 30 minutes but ended up with a full session gallery, lol! Take a look...


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography child photographer child photography family photographer family photography family pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet child photographer hemet child photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography temecula baby photographer temecula baby photography temecula child photographer temecula child photography temecula photographer temecula photography Wed, 20 Aug 2014 19:35:25 GMT
Baby Alexandra | Hemet Newborn Infant Photographer Little Alexandra was just such a doll for her session! Such a beautiful baby and amazing skin! I wanted to share a few of my favs from her session :) Enjoy!


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography baby pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography infant photographer infant photography infant pictures megan leigh photography newborn photographer newborn photography newborn pictures newborn portraits temecula baby photographer temecula newborn photographer temecula newborn photography Tue, 19 Aug 2014 17:38:12 GMT
The Cedano Family | Hemet Family Photographer I had the pleasure of photographing this beautiful family again! Loving watching the kids grow from year to year! They are just so sweet and each year we end up at a location that has ducks and they LOVE them, lol! So here are a few of my favs from their session...


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography child photographer child photography family photographer family photography family pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet child photographer hemet child photography hemet family photographer hemet family photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography temecula baby photographer temecula baby photography temecula child photographer temecula child photography temecula family photographer temecula family photography temecula photographer temeula photography Sat, 16 Aug 2014 01:08:24 GMT
Personal 365 Project I've been thinking about taking on the 365 day Project for months but wasn't sure if I could handle the commitment. But lately it seems like I'm taking so many personal pictures of Scarlett just around the house that it wouldn't be that hard to keep up with, lol! For those of you who have never heard of the 365 Project, it's basically a personal challenge to myself. Getting me to take out my camera at least once every single day. Snapping and documenting one moment in our life each day. All I keep thinking is what a beautiful album all these images would be and I could look back on them forever! These images will be a piece of my own heart! It will be my creative outlet, so explore new methods, styles, and seeing things in a different light. I'm very excited to see what I learn through this process! In this blog, the "image of the day" from my life (usually Scarlett), will be put at the top. I may have to split the blogs between more than one since I'm not sure if a single blog could hold 365 images, lol! So we'll see as time goes! I start with the last two images that I took of Scarlett these last couple days...


{ August 20 }

Strong t-storms, lighting, and rain last night! Woke everyone up but Scarlett. Love the peaceful sound of rain though!

{ August 19 } 

Timeless reading outside.

{ August 18 }

Playtime in the kitchen.

{ August 17 }

I brought my camera over to take a picture, she heard it and turned around at the perfect moment <3

{ August 16 }

Scarlett's birthday party! She turned 3 today and said it was the "best party EVER!" Haha!


{ August 15 }

It's a cup of coffee in bed kinda day :)

{ August 14 }

I LOVE this because she is always holding things with her toes! A pair of monkey feet here...

{ August 13 }

A mini meltdown...

{ August 12 } 

Sneaking a peak of her show after a bath :)

{ August 11 }

Her growing crap toy has finally become gigantic!

{August 10 }

Scarlett's at grandma's and Garrett's at band practice so I've got the evening to myself :) This calls for a sweet fancy drink and Big Brother!

{ August 9 }


{ August 8 }

New generation entertainment.

{ August 7 }


{ August 6 }

Reading time at the library.

{ August 5 }

Playing with the self-timer for the first time on the new camera. I'm rarely in front of the camera so Scarlett and I were way over due for a non-iPhone picture of just the two of us :)


{ August 4, 2014 }

Scarlett was playing around with one of my newborn wraps this morning after a newborn session.

{ August 3 }

Yay! Lots of rain this weekend and mid-summer too! We have been needing it SO bad and excited for everything to be green again. She almost forgot what rain looked like, haha!

[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) 365 project baby photographer baby pictures child photographer child photography family photographer family photography family pictures hemet baby photographer hemet child photographer hemet child photography hemet family photographer hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography newborn photographer newborn photography newborn pictures newborn portraits photographer photography temecula baby photographer temecula child photographer temecula child photography temecula newborn photography Tue, 05 Aug 2014 17:07:18 GMT
Sunflower Fields | Hemet Child Photographer So this evening Scarlett and I went out to find some new amazing locations for all of you! We hit the JACKPOT! A couple weeks ago, my family and I passed this place off the side of the road in Menifee while looking for land for our new home and I knew I would have to come back to check it out. It was just a couple of trees and a road that led in between them. I didn't know what was in there but when Scarlett and I went it, it was amazing... the wild sunflowers, the trees, the paths, the lighting... LOVED it! So of course, with my beautiful baby girl, it was "session time". I wanted to find more than one location this evening but we were having such a blast!! We ended up staying there the whole time! :) Of course, I got many, many images. Here are some of my favorites (yes, there's a lot, haha) with a very light edit (which is all it really needed)! As a photographer, there is something so special and amazing when you are photographing your own kids <3 Your world is never brighter than that moment! My baby girl is growing up SO fast and is just the most personable, independent yet loving, dramatic girl ever! Love every moment with her and loving that I can capture these moments of her life!

[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography child photographer child photography family photographer family photography family pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet child photographer hemet child photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography temecula baby photographer temecula baby photography temecula child photographer temecula child photography temecula photographer temecula photography Wed, 16 Jul 2014 06:58:07 GMT
Baby Viola | Hemet Infant Newborn Photographer Meet Miss Viola! Sweet little Viola was one of the best sleepers I've ever had! She was completely out the whole time we did her part. She has the BEST hair with little blonde highlights! HIGHLIGHTS! ADORABLE! I could have taken just a million pictures of this pretty girl! Mom and dad had a very light, white and neutral house- completely GORGEOUS I might add... so I kept her session nice and light and airy. We also used a beautiful knitted blanket and handmade quilt from grandma as well. Here's some of my favorites from her session... :)

[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography baby pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography infant photographer infant photography infant pictures megan leigh photography newborn photographer newborn photography newborn pictures newborn portraits temecula baby photographer temecula newborn photographer temecula newborn photography Mon, 02 Jun 2014 21:19:21 GMT
Baby Jade | Hemet Infant Newborn Photographer Introducing the beautiful Jade at just 11 days old! She wanted to see all the action during her session but we did manage to get some sleepy ones in there too :) Here are some of my favorites! Enjoy all the cuteness!

[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography baby pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography infant photographer infant photography infant pictures megan leigh photography newborn photographer newborn photography newborn pictures newborn portraits temecula baby photographer temecula newborn photographer temecula newborn photography Tue, 13 May 2014 19:53:56 GMT
Our Family Mini Sessions, Flower Field | Hemet Family Photographer Over Easter weekend I had a family session. I met up with them at their home first and across from their street was a huge open field with golden brush and a patch of beautiful purple flowers. Once I saw it, I knew I wanted to get my daughter in there! So, one evening this week I decided to drag out Garrett and Scarlett to this small flower patch in a field in San Jacinto. Scarlett will only last about 20 mins for a session so every session with our family is a mini session, lol! But I am so pleased with what we got! 

I will be offering Spring Family Mini Session at this field May 3rd and 10th. There will be evening time spots only. If interested in a spot, see details at and contact me.


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography child photographer child photography family photographer family photography family pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet child photographer hemet child photography hemet family photographer hemet family photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography temecula baby photographer temecula baby photography temecula child photographer temecula child photography temecula family photographer temecula family photography temecula photographer temeula photography Sat, 26 Apr 2014 16:02:38 GMT
Violet's 6 Month Milestone | Hemet Baby Photographer Again, I've been getting behind on my blogs for you guys but definitely had to share this baby girl's milestone session. Milestones are one of my favorite sessions to do. Babies go through so many different stages between birth and 1 year. I think it's so precious and important to capture all these great moments. 3 months later they look so different! Introducing the sweet 6-month old Violet. Mama wanted to show off those big blue eyes of hers and I totally agreed! As soon as I saw her I just fell in love her crazy curls, big beautiful eyes, and chubby rolls (I LOVE baby rolls)!!


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby milestone pictures baby photographer baby photography baby pictures baby portraits hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography milestone pictures milestone portraits newborn photographer newborn photography newborn pictures newborn portraits temecula baby photographer temecula newborn photographer temecula newborn photography Wed, 09 Apr 2014 17:31:49 GMT
Our Cold, Cloudy Day at Home | Hemet Child Photographer So today is a yucky, cloudy, 63 degree weather kinda day... not cold weather for a lot of you but for us without the sun, we've got blankets on us, lol! Indoor sessions are quickly becoming one of my FAVORITE types of sessions and I love to edit in the peachy cream style for them. So, realizing I haven't done any pictures of Scarlett in that set-up, that's what we did this morning! We've got a guest in our home this week, Pebbles (my brother in-laws pup) and we got her in there too for a few. :) Scarlett only lasts about 15 mins so every session of here is a mini! Hehe... 2 year olds!! Short attention span and needs to be bribed with treats. I like throwing some of her pictures up on the blog so my family and friends can see how much she's grown... and grown... and grown. I'm talking a 2 1/2 year old wearing a 4-6 in the girls department now. Not even in the toddler section anymore! So tall!! And she becomes more and more stunning every day! Those big blue eyes are now green (like her mama) and such beautiful skin (not a single touch up on it). 


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography child photographer child photography hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet child photographer hemet child photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography temecula baby photographer temecula baby photography temecula child photographer temecula child photography temecula photographer temecula photography Fri, 28 Mar 2014 00:22:52 GMT
Welcome Baby Cruz | Hemet Fresh 48 Photographer Welcome to the world baby boy, Cruz! Born at 7 lbs 1 oz and 18 inches long, Cruz turns a beautiful family of three into an amazing family of four! I had the privilege of photographing his mama's maternity session earlier so I was (impatiently) waiting for this baby boy to make his debut :) Once I heard he arrived, I went to the hospital the very next day to capture all of his brand new, fresh details. And he was so worth the wait! Just beautiful!!! A lot of sessions like this are done in black and white, but I'm so bias towards color and still love these shots in color, hehe! Fresh 48 sessions tell a story that you will love to be able to show 5, 10, 20+ years down the road. Here are some of my favorites from his Fresh 48 session...




[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography baby pictures fresh 48 hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography hospital pictures megan leigh photography newborn hospital pictures newborn photographer newborn photography newborn pictures newborn pictures at the hospital newborn portraits temecula baby photographer temecula newborn photographer temecula newborn photography Wed, 26 Mar 2014 16:34:37 GMT
Mommy and Me Session | Hemet Family Photographer I asked my best friend to come over with her family so we could do dinner and model a mini Mommy and Me session. I absolutely love how they turned out, probably because I love this little guy to PIECES!!! And my daughter already has a crush on baby Jack, hehe! Who can blame her?! :) Here's a look at what the indoor Mommy and Me session will look like...

[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography child photographer child photography family photographer family photography family pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet child photographer hemet child photography hemet family photographer hemet family photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography temecula baby photographer temecula baby photography temecula child photographer temecula child photography temecula family photographer temecula family photography temecula photographer temeula photography Thu, 20 Mar 2014 01:40:23 GMT
Baby Ava | Hemet Newborn Photographer So let me introduce you to this beautiful, amazing baby girl... Ava! She couldn't wait to meet mommy and daddy (literally) and decided to come out at just 31 weeks. And not even a long labor, 20 mins!! Jealous right?! Haha, I know I am. At just a little over 2 lbs. she spent the next few weeks in the NICU getting super strong so she could go home with mommy and daddy. And a little bit before Valentine's Day (what a great gift!) she came home! I couldn't wait to get over there and do her newborn shoot! She was 6 weeks old at this point and weighed a little over 5 lbs. She was so little but so strong and was just like any other strong newborn. Completely happy and healthy :) I wanted this session to represent a deep, emotional, strong feeling using strong highlights and shadows. Here are some of my favorites!

[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography baby pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography newborn photographer newborn photography newborn pictures newborn portraits temecula baby photographer temecula newborn photographer temecula newborn photography Mon, 10 Mar 2014 23:12:19 GMT
Lindsay's Maternity | Hemet Maternity Photographer So we almost missed out on this session because we thought this baby boy was going to arrive early! The day before we wanted to have the session Lindsay started having contractions but they were able to stop them. Yay, for us because we got to capture this beautiful baby belly for her! :) And now I wait (impatiently, haha) for this little guy to arrive so I can go to the hospital for his fresh 48. I can't wait to see him being held by his awesome big sister! There were so many images from this session but here are a few of my favorites! :)


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby belly hemet maternity photographer hemet maternity photography hemet photographer hemet photography maternity photographer maternity photography megan leigh photography pregnancy photographer pregnancy photography pregnancy portraits temecula maternity photographer temecula maternity photography Mon, 10 Mar 2014 00:40:22 GMT
Baby Nicole | Hemet Newborn Photographer So the beautiful sweet 7 day new Nicole visited my in-home studio with mommy and daddy. I couldn't wait for this baby girl after doing her mommy's maternity session. During her session we tried out a back lit look. Love the strong highlights and shadows it created! This session just screams pure love and emotion. Here are some of my favorite back lit images we did :)

[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography baby pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography infant photographer infant photography infant pictures megan leigh photography newborn photographer newborn photography newborn pictures newborn portraits temecula baby photographer temecula newborn photographer temecula newborn photography Tue, 04 Mar 2014 04:21:54 GMT
In-Home Studio | Megan Leigh Photography In-Home Studio

     So after some careful consideration, I have decided to hold newborn sessions in my home in Hemet, CA. I know this may sound like a negative change since my clients will have to come out to me, but I'm really doing this FOR my clients so they can have the best images I can provide. Traveling to my clients homes, I have had my fair share of challenging lighting environments. I do everything I can to pull as much natural light in to get great images for you but when conditions are not ideal, I feel bad because with some better lighting conditions, I could have done more for you. And that is NEVER fair to my clients! Someone may get better overall images only because their home is filled with more natural light. So to ensure everyone gets GREAT newborn images to cherish, I have opened up my home to you.

     Although my home overall is a bit smaller, I have two front windows that draw in large amounts of natural lighting (one of which is very large and low for some back lit window images, YAY!), as well as a large floor space to hold sessions. Another great perk is that you will have access to ALL my newborn props. Any newborn photographer knows that your supply of blankets, wraps, backdrops, baskets, bonnets, hats, headbands, etc will continue to grow and grow and grow.... as long as business continues. So transporting everything is near impossible! I hate having to limit someones options. Now, coming to my home studio, you can pick and choose any blanket, wrap, basket, etc you would like me to use! Awesome, right?!! Plus, no more worrying about travel charges!! Yay! 

     I do understand that some cases do require mommy to stay at home and not travel, so in these rare cases, I will continue to offer on-location newborn session for an extra fee. This does pay for all the extra work that I do have to do for newborn session traveling: pulling props, loading, unloading, assembling, disassembling, etc. Traveling does take at least an extra hour of time for all the set up and trips to load and unload, so I hope you understand why this option does have an extra charge. I will also need to make sure you do have a room in your home with enough space for a set up that has plenty of natural light coming in.

     Studio sessions will have drinks and snacks provided. I do have a 2 year old, so there will be PLENTY of toys for kids to play with, as well as a big-screen TV and lots of movies to keep the older kids busy while they wait! Mom will get a checklist prior to their session so they will know what to bring with them to the session. And I do have a diaper changing pad and plenty of wipes that are available during the session. So I hope everyone can come over and relax and just have fun during their session with me! I'm very excited for all these new changes and I hope you are too!

Scarlett's teddy volunteered to be my studio test subject. He did great!

The sweet Vanessa also had her beautiful 6-month milestone session in the studio recently.



[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography baby pictures child photographer child photography hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet child photographer hemet child photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer in-home studio megan leigh photography newborn photographer newborn photography newborn pictures newborn portraits temecula baby photographer temecula baby photography temecula child photographer temecula child photography temecula newborn photographer temecula newborn photography temecula photographer temeula photography Fri, 14 Feb 2014 20:56:56 GMT
Vanessa's 6 Month Milestone | Hemet Baby Photographer Meet the beautiful, little Miss Vanessa. I couldn't believe how much shes grown! I had the honor of doing her newborn pictures and now her 6 month milestone session. Those eyes are killer!! And then I found out she is a thumb sucker... ahhhh! SO cute!! Of course I had to get some pictures of that! We worked hard to get her to smile, and we got one! But she was so serious for most of her session and I have to say, she really pulled it off!!


[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby milestone pictures baby photographer baby photography baby pictures baby portraits hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography milestone pictures milestone portraits newborn photographer newborn photography newborn pictures newborn portraits temecula baby photographer temecula newborn photographer temecula newborn photography Mon, 27 Jan 2014 18:05:44 GMT
Layla's 9 Month Milestone | Hemet Baby Photographer So I had the privilege of photographing my friend's baby girl's 9 month milestone session. I've seen so many pictures of her on Facebook and I finally got to meet this beautiful girl in person! What an absolute DOLL! The most beautiful big blue eyes! And boy, did she just want to go, go, go! And eat everything... my camera, the backdrop, the bell we had to distract her... pretty much anything she could get her hands on.  Meet the stunning little Miss Layla.



[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby milestone pictures baby photographer baby photography baby pictures baby portraits hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography milestone pictures milestone portraits newborn photographer newborn photography newborn pictures newborn portraits temecula baby photographer temecula newborn photographer temecula newborn photography Sun, 26 Jan 2014 19:40:22 GMT
Scarlett Rose | Hemet Child Photographer Scarlett and I went hunting for a new and fresh location for 2014 and we came across this gorgeous field! I'm in love with the way the evening light turns it into a golden paradise! So perfect for any kind of session! We were there for only about 15 mins and got so many great pictures! And I can no longer get Scarlett to look at the camera let alone smile for it, lol! Being 2 now, she is not interested in performing for me as a model at all. I just told her to go find some rocks for daddy, ha! It works :) Can't wait to get some prints of these up in the house! And yes, she is in a sleeveless dress because it's mid-high 70s and sunny here during the winter :)










[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography child photographer child photography hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet child photographer hemet child photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography temecula baby photographer temecula baby photography temecula child photographer temecula child photography temecula photographer temecula photography Sun, 05 Jan 2014 02:40:28 GMT
The Spaulding Family | Hemet Family Photographer Meet the Spaulding Family! What a joy to work with :) The kids were so great and loved talking to me about what they were learning in school. Aaron is about to deploy on his 4th tour and they wanted a beach session before he leaves. Best of luck over there Aaron! Your family is just amazing! 

















[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography child photographer child photography family photographer family photography family pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet child photographer hemet child photography hemet family photographer hemet family photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography temecula baby photographer temecula baby photography temecula child photographer temecula child photography temecula family photographer temecula family photography temecula photographer temeula photography Sun, 29 Dec 2013 19:26:40 GMT
Baby Luca | Hemet Newborn Photographer Baby Luca was so sweet. He was their little miracle baby! They waited years for him and now he's HERE! I got so many snuggles during his session :) What an angel he is!



















[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography baby pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography newborn photographer newborn photography newborn pictures newborn portraits temecula baby photographer temecula newborn photographer temecula newborn photography Thu, 19 Dec 2013 20:56:23 GMT
Baby Henry | Hemet Newborn Photographer Baby Henry was such a doll for his session. After we got his belly nice and full, he was out like a light! He's a special little boy with amazing parents who are both serving our county. A huge thanks to both of them and now they have this little miracle. What a perfect little family! And I can't get over his adorable little lips and tiny button nose <3 Hope you enjoy seeing his images as much as I enjoyed taking them <3















[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography baby pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography newborn photographer newborn photography newborn pictures newborn portraits temecula baby photographer temecula newborn photographer temecula newborn photography Fri, 22 Nov 2013 04:04:23 GMT
Baby Bella | Hemet Newborn Photographer Meet the stunning 16-day new little Bella! I just finished her session and couldn't wait to share with you guys! Even just over 2 weeks old, she was still the tiniest little thing! She was so great for her session and such a perfect little natural poser for us :) Every time see these I'm just in awe of her beauty! This mommy and daddy did a great job ;) But poor mommy did get poo'ed on just as we were about to take the family pictures. Ooops! 

[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography baby pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography newborn photographer newborn photography newborn pictures newborn portraits temecula baby photographer temecula newborn photographer temecula newborn photography Thu, 17 Oct 2013 02:37:48 GMT
The Chupp Family | Hemet Family Photographer Let me introduce three people that I love so much! Sarah and I have been best friends since high school and I've known her husband, Brian, almost just as long. After getting married on their 10-year anniversary (amazing!!), they now have a beautiful baby boy, Jack, who is about to turn 1! Talk about a happy baby!! I don't think I could get a bad picture of him if I tried! He is my perfect model- always happy, always smiling, and always looking at the camera :) Lucky, right?! It was time for some fall pictures and of course it was just as much fun as always! I am loving this location for fall pictures too. It can be a little difficult to find fall-like locations in Southern California but this was PERFECT and right where both Sarah and I grew up! Already looking forward to a holiday session! Here are some pictures from their session... enjoy! :)



[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography child photographer child photography family photographer family photography family pictures hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet child photographer hemet child photography hemet family photographer hemet family photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography temecula baby photographer temecula baby photography temecula child photographer temecula child photography temecula family photographer temecula family photography temecula photographer temeula photography Thu, 10 Oct 2013 19:44:30 GMT
Baby Marlow | Hemet Newborn Photographer Meet the beautiful 4-day new Miss Marlow (LOVE her name). First of all, I have to say that I've never seen a baby with more perfect skin! I didn't have to touch her skin at all in her images. Amazing! And isn't she just so beautiful! Her entire family is! Marlow is now one of three girls. Her two big sisters are loving her already! Congratulations Jen and Mike on your beautiful new addition!




[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography newborn photographer newborn photography temecula baby photographer temecula newborn photographer temecula newborn photography Thu, 26 Sep 2013 02:55:50 GMT
Baby Katelyn | Hemet Newborn Photographer Meet the beautiful 10 day old Katelyn! I was so excited for her to arrive after doing her mommy's maternity session. And she was so worth the wait! Katelyn was the most perfect little client. Sound asleep when I arrived, she was completely knocked out for her entire session. She let me flip and flop her around and didn't make a sound. I absolutely love all of her perfect little details. Her session shows the beautiful, sweet, pure, natural style that I have absolutely fallen in love with! The soft and neutral colors keep the focus on baby and what makes them so unique as individuals. 



[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet newborn photographer hemet newborn photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography newborn photographer newborn photography temecula baby photographer temecula newborn photographer temecula newborn photography Sat, 14 Sep 2013 19:33:06 GMT
Beach Maternity | Hemet Maternity Photographer Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of working with a beautiful couple, Adri and Tyler. Their story was so romantic and beautiful and you could see and feel the love that these two had for each other. It was so amazing and refreshing! With both serving our country, they have overcome obstacles to be together and are very excited to start their family. Before expecting their baby boy next month, they let me have the honor of capturing her gorgeous baby bump, motherly glow, and the start of their family pictures. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am to meet this little man! Here's a handful from their gallery. Isn't she absolutely stunning!!




[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) hemet maternity photographer hemet maternity photography hemet photographer hemet photography maternity photographer maternity photography megan leigh photography temecula maternity photographer temecula materntiy photography Wed, 28 Aug 2013 16:07:31 GMT
Growing too fast... | Hemet Baby Photographer So yesterday I realized that I spend all this time photographing other babies, children, and families and hardly any time capturing the beautiful moments of my own baby girl. I wish I could do this for my own family but with me behind the camera, that's kind of hard ;) This morning I set everything up as I would for a client to get some beautiful, natural, soft shots of Scarlett. I'm beyond happy I did and can't wait to get some large prints of some of these! But I'll tell you it wasn't easy!! Unfortunately Scarlett has always been my toughest client. She has very selective hearing with mommy now that's she's 2 years old and most of my shots end up being the back of her head. And she most certainly doesn't like to listen to mommy's instruction AT ALL! To get her to even lie down, I had to bribe her with a sugar-free lollipop... her second one ever! Whatever works, right? So that kept her busy while I snapped away...












[email protected] (Megan Leigh Photography) baby photographer baby photography child photographer child photography hemet baby photographer hemet baby photography hemet child photographer hemet child photography hemet photographer hemet photography megan leigh photography temecula baby photographer temecula baby photography temecula child photographer temecula child photography temecula photographer temeula photography Sat, 24 Aug 2013 19:27:48 GMT